Monday, May 3, 2010

April Training Log

Total Days of Working Out = 15 days (4 days with double workouts)

Miles Running: 65.8 miles
Miles Walking: 6 miles
Miles on Road Bike: 38 miles (Mostly Hill Training)
Swimming: 1400 yards
Snowboarding: 2 Days
Starting Weight: 191.5 lbs
Ending Weight: 189.5

Overall good month of training.  Felt strong, continued to minimize fast food, sugars and alcohol.  Focused mainly on running to prepare for the American River Half Marathon in May.  Lost an entire week of training due to snowboarding crash, but better than any serious injuries.  12 mile run was the first time I have run that far in more than 14 years, it felt great to accomplish this.  I was also reminded of how far I need to  go to get ready for this Half Ironman.  I will need to be able to run 13 miles following several hours on the bike.  May and June will be big training months.  With the sun coming out I am starting to get excited for the event.

Thursday (4/1) - Run 3.5 miles (~ 35:00 - no watch on)
Rainy and windy. Rolling hills running at Bodega Dunes Campground.
Friday (4/2) - Run 3.5 miles (34:02)
Rainy and windy. Rolling hills running at Bodega Dunes Campground.

Saturday (4/3) - Hike 3 miles along the Sonoma Coast.  Great view of the Russian River and Coast from the top of the hill.

Wednesday (4/7) - 3 mile walk with Amanda

Thursday (4/8) -  Run 4.5 miles (43:22)
No food , slow casual pace, 7:00 am, 48 degrees

Friday (4/9) - Run 3 miles (29:18)
7am, 45 degrees, No food

Friday (4/9) - Bike 10.25 miles (52:08)  (Hill Training)                       
2 trips up Beatty Drive (8:39 and 9:41)

Saturday (4/10) - Run 8.1 miles (1:18:38)
No water on the run - overcast 50 degrees
Coffee, almond butter, honey and raisins and 2 eggs before the run

Saturday (4/10) - Bike 8.1 miles (Bike ride with Jordan to measure distance of morning run)

Sunday/Monday (4/10 & 4/11) - Very windy and stormy again - No exercise.

Tuesday (4/13) - Run 4.2 miles (41:37)
6:30 am, almond butter, honey, coffee and water pre run

Tuesday (4/13) -  Bike 11.65 miles (52:31)
Average Speed 13.4 mph, Hill Training @ 6:00 PM
Costco Hill  (6:44) - Hill Climbing
Beatty  Drive (8:54) - Hill Climbing

Wednesday (4/14) - Run 8.1 miles (1:16:52)

Thursday  (4/15) - Birthday
Played hookie and went to Northstar for a great day of snowboarding with the family.  Lunch at the Ritz Carlton @ Northstar.

Saturday  (4/17) - Run 9.4 miles (1:25)
43:22 (1st Half), 41:36 (2nd Half)
6:30 am, 47 degrees
Greek yogurt, peanut butter, honey,water and coffee Pre-Run.  Felt strong. Twinge of pain and fatigue around 1:10.

Sunday- (4/18) - Last Day of Snowboarding at Northstar.  Final Run of the Season - going fast - major wipeout - ripped out of bindings, hurt my hip and hit my head hard going down.  Very lucky I didn't get really hurt.  Just a major headache and very sore.

Monday - Friday (19th-23rd) - No exercise - hip really hurts - can't run or bike.  Need to train, but need to take time to heal so I don't have any nagging injuries in July.

Saturday (4/24) - Run 12 miles (1:54)
Felt really good. Carried water bottle.  Actually past runners on the trail.
Started hurting around with pain in the joints around (1:25)

Sunday (4/25) - Ride 8 miles with Zach in the morning.  Stopped at Coffee Republic.  Amanda and Jordan got back from Girl Scouts early and met us.  Threw the bikes in the back of the truck and didn't get to ride home.

Sunday (4/25) - Swim 1400 yards (26:37) (evening)
100 yard Split times (1:41, 1:54,1:54,1:59, 1:56,1:57,1:53,1:55,1:57,1:52,1:55,1:59,1:50,1:47)

Tuesday (4/27) - Run 4.5 miles with Jordan (46:11)
Stretching, situps, pushups, two 1 minute planks.

Wednesday (4/28) - Run 5 miles (52:17)  included hills.
Thursday/Friday:  Resting up for the American River Parkway Half Marathon.

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